Lacombe Physiotherapy Clinic Pelvic Floor Treatments for Dancers

Dancers have many unique demands placed on their bodies, and their muscles undergo a variety of stresses. While dancers are often treated for a variety of muscle and joint related injuries, there is a group of muscles that is often overlooked – the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor muscles form a support underneath the pelvis, and they work in conjunction with your abdominal muscles, spinal stabilizers and diaphragm. A healthy pelvic floor is able to contract and relax, and these muscles should naturally turn on when jumping and doing other high-intensity activities.

Dancers often develop a hypertonic pelvic floor meaning pelvic muscles are too tight and may be gripping more then needed and are therefore unable to function as they should. This, in effect, can lead to urinary leakage or pelvic pain. Many dancers suffer silently as they think this is normal or don’t know there is a solution to their problem. A physiotherapist that specializes in women’s health, or pelvic floor physiotherapy, can assess these muscles and help with finding strategies to overcome pelvic floor dysfunction. Dancers should know that if they are dealing with urinary incontinence or pelvic pain they are not alone, and there are resources and treatment available.

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